Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

November 2005

<< October 2005 | December 2005 >>

Trichoplax, a metazoan that doesn't know its head from its ass - Pharyngula
tricks to use on your body - MensHealth [via JWalk]
I'll believe some of these when I've tried them
US Joint Chief of Staff Pace corrects Rumsfeld on torture - WP [via RtoS]
"It is the absolute responsibility of every U.S. service member, if they see inhumane treatment being conducted, to intervene, to stop it"
Orthodox rabbis split on evolution - Moment [via Panda]
David Rees on Christopher Hitchens' latest nonsense - Huffington [via RW]
no escalation in South Korean-Chinese kimchi skirmish - Asia
relations have improved since the 2000 garlic war
signs of improvement in Iraq - MSNBC
"Washington's main contribution has been to get out of the way"
Iceland loses its main Internet connection - Register
"the 17th time in less than two years that the Iceland's main communications link has been cut. On two earlier occasions rats chewed through the line"
longlisted passages for the Bad Sex in Fiction award - Guardian [via RW]
the Muslim Brotherhood's uneasy relationship with the Egyptian state - Guardian
one third of DMCA takedown notices would probably fail in court - Register
"more than half of the notices for link removal that were sent to Google were sent by businesses targeting apparent rivals"
a Linux user buys a Mac - BitRot [via RW]
who remembers Christopher Okigbo? - Vanguard [via CR]
"Almost 40 years after he died on the Biafran battlefield, [the poet] remains virtually unknown outside literary circles"
two Kansas Uni courses to cover Intelligent Design aka Creationism - Fox - LJworld [via Panda]
but in religious studies and anthropology
Burma moves its capital into the jungle - Guardian
without any obvious reason - except perhaps astrological
Calcutta proposes to ban rickshaws - IHT [photo essay]
ex-PM Allawi claims Iraq government's rights abuses are now worse than Hussein's - Guardian
were the Japanese islands as mixed as the British isles? - Far
"a case for heavy migration from the Korean Peninsula into the Japanese Archipelago during what is now known as the Yayoi period"
Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health [review]
reviews of book reviews? - Chrestomathy [via Lang]
Ireland's Traveller minority face widespread racism - Guardian
Philip Hensher on the last sentences of novels - Telegraph [via CR]
Italy's economic future is not looking good - Economist
the real Jane Fonda - LRB
new biography of Mao sounds shockingly bad - LRB [via RW] - Amazon
a case study in bad history: "sources that cannot be checked... misuse of sources... simply unsourced... false..."
300GB or 1.6TB removable holographic disks? - Register
this would give us something to back all that hard drive storage up to
Southeast Asian food blogs - GV [via Macam]
sovereign debt ratings: not all EU countries are equal - Economist
650,000 years of ice cores - New Scientist [via RW]
current carbon dioxide levels are 27% above the next highest peak in that period
Iran's president fights parliament over the oil ministry - Economist
in Australia violence is ok in films, but sex is right out - Australian [via EFA]
the Defence of Duffer's Drift - Angelfire [via MLite]
dramatised lessons in infantry tactics from the Boer War
residents start evacuating Harbin - Guardian
a city of 9 million people is left with a "compromised" water supply
a novel of modern Cairo - The Yacoubian Building [review]
a bio-piece on PZ Myers - CityPages
Japanese history teacher disciplined for "slandering" war denier - CSM [via Far]
for criticising a council member who denied Japan ever invaded Korea
Blair had to talk Bush out of bombing Qatar - Mirror
"The No 10 memo raises fresh doubts over US claims that previous attacks against al-Jazeera staff were errors"
snake venom is older than snakes - Loom [via Panda]
an overview of the implications of Bill Fry's lizard venom discoveries
51% of US now rates Bush "poor" on Iraq - AngusReid [via AW]
but where were the "Bad" and "Terrible" options?
Nestle recalls baby milk in Italy, Spain, France and Portugal - Guardian
concerns about isopropyl thioxanthone
"enhanced interrogation techniques" don't count as torture - Go [via CT]
the CIA and DOD have "not-tortured" at least three prisoners to death
you can be a good cartoonist and know nothing about biology - Pharyngula
PZ Myers nukes Scott Adams' Intelligent Design inanities
agriculture in Malawi has been destroyed by World Bank liberalisation - WP [via DB]
the decline of council housing in the UK - FirstPost
"even under Maggie, more new council houses were built each year than during the entire eight years of Tony Blair"
Kenya's constitutional referendum - Guardian - GV
advertising costs in different media in New York - NYmetro
Expression Under Repression seminar in Tunis goes ahead - RConv - Accra
"The goons finally backed off after the Dutch ambassador intervened and warned of a diplomatic incident"
FEMA is employing high-ranking public servants to do data entry - Accra
Britain's memories of WWII - Their Past Your Future
more lists: the 100 most important Canadian books - RevCan [via CR]
I've read Robertson Davies' Fifth Business, William Gibson's Neuromancer and Naomi Klein's No Logo - and I'm in the middle of Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance
a nice undergraduate text - Introduction to Conservation Genetics [review]
African Union peacekeepers in Darfur are out on a limb - WP [via AW]
political realignments in Israel: Sharon to quit Likud - HH
Stephen Feneley is feeling a little seditious - Crikey
are the Earth's continents older than thought? - SpaceRef [via RW]
"the Earth's early surface supported water [and] massive amounts of continental crust were produced almost immediately upon Earth formation"
Finland manages peoples lives through a maistratti number - Crikey
Ministry of the Interior death squads kill with impunity in Iraq - Guardian [via Billmon]
what it's like returning to New Orleans - Kos [via Majik]
Concepts and Controversy - Microbial Phylogeny and Evolution [review]
one Bosnian town is a model for ethnic harmony and economic success - Independent
Brcko "is terrified of being dragged back into the chauvinistic mire after the Supervisor and aides pack their bags and go"
8 big lies about John Howard's industrial relations legislation - Australian [via RtoS]
US opinion leaders now more cautious - Pew [via CT]
and Bush's support among scientists is down from 30% to 6%
an update on Guantanamo hunger-strike - MSNBC [via AW]
war crimes in the fall of Cancuen? - LATimes [via AW]
"one of the pivotal events in the collapse of the Maya civilization"
a brief report on a landscape photography trip to China - LL
an obituary for John Fowles - Economist
The French Lieutenant's Woman, The Magus [Amazon]
dannyreviews.com and robotwisdom.com have negatively correlated traffic? - Alexa
Jorn seems to be attracting nearly twice as many readers
a survey of British political blogs - Guardian
a look inside Guantanamo - NewStatesman [via Loewen]
China's armed forces are modernising - CSM
but I'm wary of US sources with a vested interest in exaggerating their strength
China's health system is in a real mess - Economist
David Irving is arrested in Austria for Holocaust denial - Guardian
and gets a lot of publicity, which is no doubt what he was hoping for
the top 20 geek novels - Guardian [via Barista]
I've read them all except Microserfs, Watchmen, American Gods, and the Illuminatus Trilogy
rising nationalism leaves Japan with an uncomfortable future - Guardian
China in a mess with copper futures - Economist
a rogue copper trader goes missing, as the Chinese government denies he ever worked for it
open source in Europe, the UK, and the US - ZDnet [via OSWALD]
...and in the developing world: China, India, and Brazil - ZDnet [via /.]
fun sounding mathematical murder mystery - CR - Guardian - Amazon
schistosomiasis may make AIDS progress faster - SciDev
winners from a Finnish wildlife photography competition - luontokuva [via DPR]
a basic introduction to coastal forms and processes - The Evolving Coast [review]
Pakistanis eagerly volunteer to help earthquake victims - CSM
"Students and professionals, the trained and untrained, some driven by the call of humanity, others by the call of God, they trudge up mountainsides to deliver goods, to support widowed women, and to retrieve bodies."
leading opposition MP in Egypt loses his seat in dubious circumstances - Guardian
the Tel Zayit alphabetic inscription and its controversies - Lang
preparing for a flu pandemic - SciAm [via /.]
Africa's first female president faces a huge challenge in Liberia - Times - Fruits [via HH]
phylogenetic analysis of bird family forces revision of stepping stone theory - GirlSci [via Panda]
De Beers faces new government regulation in South Africa - Guardian
yet another book on how incompetent US policy-making has been - NYT
Candian Federal Court will hear Iraq war case - GlobeMail [via AntiWar]
a US soldier claiming refugee status will have his case heard
having a big monitor or multiple monitors does help - 37signals [via WMW]
and avoiding interruptions is increasingly difficult
a new edition of the Oulipo Compendium! - Amazon UK [via CR]
see my review of the first edition, which I had been trying to get a copy of
the Royal Navy is going to take on the Somalian pirates - SunHerald [via AntiWar]
sounds like something from two centuries ago!
a broad-ranging science fiction satire - War With the Newts [review]
for background, see Cosma Shalizi's Capek page
an interview with Noam Chomsky - Haaretz [via Loewen]
some positive news from Africa? - IHT
the Shot at Dawn Memorial - ClarkeHome [via Barista]
US to create new "attempting to infringe a copyright" laws - CNET [via /.]
Gonzales isn't proposing torture as a penalty yet, but he does invoke "terrorism"
the Soviet military experience in Afghanistan - CIAO [via Informed]
"Domination of the air is irrelevant unless airpower can be precisely targetted... Support of the population is essential for the winning side..."
a surrealist EULA - IllegalArt [via RW]
what are oil-exporting countries doing with all the money? - Economist
inquiry into Aus wheat sales to Saddam Hussein muzzled - Australian
not allowed to investigate "the role of the Government and ministers"
Israel's Labor party has a new leader - Haaretz [via ProRev]
"the harbinger of the welfare policy's return"
don't worry about definitions: Do Not Melt the Skin Off Children - Kos
kill a man's wife and son, give him $5000... - Scotsman [via AW]
... and don't be surprised if he uses the money to fund IEDs
dealers are having trouble moving Hummers in California - GreenspunMess [via ProRev]
I'm going to try to follow Cosma's stochastic processes course - CMU
though I fear it will make my brain explode
Christopher Hitchen's hypocrisy made obvious - CHwatch [via Deltoid]
a study of deaths in Sudan is "reliable"; one carried out with the same methodology in Iraq is a "crazed fabrication"
a last-ditch attempt to save England's red squirrel - Telegraph [via RW]
Iraq is building a (mortar- and rocket-proof) hotel for tourists - Independent [via Barista]
"Tourists should dress like locals and maybe dye their hair. And they should have armed guards and they should be always vigilant."
Women in the Spanish Civil War - Defying Male Civilization [review]
why is France burning? - ZMag - RedPepper [via OneWorld]
counterfeiting coins in 17th and 18th century England - HH
they don't train interrogators the way they used to - SCtriallaw [via SideS]
a KKK rally against gay marriage attracts 14 people - Statesman [via SideS]
and 3000 counter-protestors
the oldest church in the world? - Haaretz
classification of finite simple groups still a morass - Eureka [via RW]
"A problem that can be formulated in a few sentences has a solution more than 10,000 pages long. The proof has never been written down in its entirety, may never be written down, and as presently envisaged would not be comprehensible to any single individual. The result is important and has been used in a wide variety of other problems in group theory, but it might not be correct."
great photographs and useful information - The Art of Bird Photography [review]
is France's republican model threatened? - Guardian
"all French citizens are identical in their Frenchness... statistics based on ethnicity or religion are illegal"
two months to collect one New Orleans body - Guardian
the increasing cost of data center power - TechTarget [via /.]
counter-terrorism raids in Australia - ABC
"eight of those charged in Victoria are largely accused of membership offences"
ex-ambassador's inside perspective on Blair's relationship with America - Guardian
Bush increasingly prone to mental lapses and tantrums - CHill [via ProRev]
a Dr Seuss parody - Green Eggs and Linux [/. original via LWN]
"Not as a service! Not if it's free! Not in my biz! Man! Let not it be!"
talking to a French rioter - Guardian
microfinance: a survey - Economist
a murder trial from 1784, involving a West African fort - OldBailey [via HH]
will justice for those murdered in US military custody be as forthcoming?
a brief outline history - The Korean War [review]
my wishlists - Amazon
currently for east africa, mongolia, biology, photography, literature, politics, and history
Hungary's Jews split over official "national minority" status - HH
a poetic view of longbills and spoonbills - WordsWoBorders [via CR]
"On those nights when the ridge of Nanga Parbat is swept by a blizzard, some birds lose their course and fly blindly into the icecap"
an academic book on Wahhabism is banned by Al-Azhar - Al-Ahram [via CR]
and there are two critical reviews at Amazon
Sufism may be banned in Turkey, but Rumi is popular in the West - Guardian [via RW]
"mysteriously morphed from a medieval scholar of Islamic law into an American New Age guru"
Microsoft now an advocate for privacy? - ArsTechnica [via EFA]
a senior vice president calls for "a comprehensive and inclusive federal data privacy policy [superceding] existing federal and state privacy laws"
Bhutan pays to have Dzongkha support added to Windows - Kuense [via Lang]
only Microsoft won't let it be called Dzongkha
an elaborate parody site - Leo Strauss Stiftung [via RW]
"offering militarized solutions in defense of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy"
Iran to set up a new oil bourse - Al-Jazeera [via RW]
with energy contracts invoiced in euros rather than dollars...
at school with radical nuns in the 80s - LAweek [via RW]
RFID collision-avoidance IDs pose privacy threat - Wired
Sony rootkit DRM is even worse than it appears - Inquirer
more explorations of Imperial Y chromosomes in China - BBC
shuffling US airbases on Okinawa? - Economist
collective punishment of Gaza using sonic booms - Guardian
seven nights of riots in Paris suburbs - Guardian
"some 15 cars blazed and police fired rubber bullets at youths who lobbed petrol bombs"
notes on the new Penguin/Viking translations - ReadingProust
the CIA's secret prison network - MSNBC
Chris Allbritton is now embedded outside Falluja - B2I
a pair of leather trousers on ebay with an embarassing story - Guardian
the US plans to cut food stamps even as millions go hungry - CNN [via ProRev]
Latin American no longer dances to the US tune - CSM
the case for open sources - CIA [via ProRev]
"Too many policymakers and intelligence officers mistake secrecy for intelligence and assume that information covertly acquired is superior to that obtained openly."
Safari is first (public non-beta) browser to pass Acid2 CSS test - WebStandards [via WMW]
Karen Hughes' counterproductive world tour - Asia
"Hughes has not been hired to improve America's standing in the world, but the Bush administration's"
new aberrations in copyright - MagnaTune [via CT]
it seems that creating a written edition can give one copyright over the music itself...
some Israeli supermarkets require women to wear skirts - Balagan
rampant corruption in Southeast Asia - IHT [via Macam]
the Philippines ranks with Afghanistan, and Indonesia with Iraq...

<< October 2005 | December 2005 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee