Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

March 2006

<< February 2006 | April 2006 >>

tracking the effects of Australia's new WorkChoices legislation - Solidarity [via RtoS]
Brittanica-Wikipedia comparison study defended - Nature
now for the coalition-building wrangling in Israel - Haaretz [via HH]
Alain de Botton - The Art of Travel [review]
Microsoft is the least trusted consumer electronics company - joystiq [via RW]
Bush tells the Iraqis to "get governing" - WP
but insists they pick a prime minister he likes...
the Pentagon stopped the EPA controlling carcinogen-contaminated water - Guardian
problems with water privatization in Namibia - IRIN [via HH]
Kadima to govern w/ Avoda, Likud behind Shas + Yisrael Beiteinu, Pensioners take 7 - HH
the scuttlebutt on the Israeli election results
Kansas town to celebrate Dada Month - LJworld [via RW]
International Dada Month will be "Feb. 4, April 1, March 28, July 15, Aug. 2, Aug. 7, Aug. 16, Aug. 26, Sept. 18, Sept. 22, Oct. 1, Oct. 17 and Oct. 26"
Baghdad is divided on sectarian lines - WP [Zeyad of Healing Iraq] - CSM
mobiles phones "approved by the Rabbinical Committee for Communications" - WSJ [via JWalk]
Homeland Security closely monitors small Alaskan village - LA [via JWalk]
80 cameras to watch 2400 people, out in the boondocks
empty language is a sign of vacuous policy - Guardian
playing volleyball in a hijab - IHT
are Christians being silenced in the US? - PoliticalCortex
the media ignores mainstream religious groups in favour of wackos
Stanislaw Lem has died - Times [via CR]
I've only reviewed The Futurological Congress; other works I'd recommend include The Cyberiad and His Master's Voice
a first look at Naypyidaw, Burma's new capital - Guardian
the NZ dollar and Icelandic krona plunge - News
I highly recommend both New Zealand and Iceland as travel destinations...
the "good old days" - AUindy [via Panda]
the Christian Ameica of the 19th century
whistleblowing is easier, but whistleblowers still get stomped on - Economist
SELinux versus AppArmor - GCN [via OSWALD]
a recipe for a Robert Charles Wilson novel - acephalous [via CT]
the evolutionary development of sewers over 5500 years - sewer history [via ProRev]
Microsoft employees in a tizzy over Vista delay - MiniMSFT [via /.]
God loses faith in Tony Blair - Guardian [via SS]
Charlie Stross' Hugo-shortlisted novel is online - Accelerando
conflicts over access to and pricing of African submarine cable - M+G [via Accra]
Knight-Ridder news service to be gutted in conservative takeover - Barista
the Australian Counter-Fundamentalism Movement - unBelief [via EFA]
IAEA and WHO whitewash Chernobyl effects? - Guardian
Voices From Chernobyl makes it clear there was a coverup in Byelorussia, which copped the worst of the effects
living under Bush is like being at school - McSweeneys [via RW]
"Parallels Between My Living Through Two Years of Middle School and the Two Terms of the Bush Presidency"
John Allemang has been trying to read and review a book a day - Globe [via CR]
if I wasn't working I might manage three reviews a week
the EU bans 92 airlines - Guardian
"Most of the banned airlines, including Air Koryo from North Korea and Reem Air from Kyrgyzstan, will be unknown to the average tourist."
freedom of religion is limited in Malaysia - Compass [via Link]
"According to Malaysian lawyers, the sharia courts have never granted permission for a Malay Muslim to convert out of Islam"
what exactly constitutes protectionism? - Guardian
"The case for capital market openness is very much weaker than the case for goods market openness"
Darwin contemplates the pros and cons of marriage - 3Q
WWII Hungarian history rewritten with fascists as the good guys - Guardian
analysis of the latest Australian net-filtering proposals - EFA - Catallaxy
some Mongolian blogs - Mongolia [via MongolBio] - Optimists - Shards
bird flu in Gaza - HH
"Birds can't be contained by border crossings and they don't stop at checkpoints"
Russians rise up over special traffic rights for the elite - Guardian
Insects and Human Life [review]
freedom of expression in Israel - Haaretz
outcry over Indonesian anti-pornography law - Guardian
"Bali's provincial governor has seriously raised the possibility of the resort island seceding from Indonesia if the legislation is passed"
Swedish minister resigns over web site shutdown - Alert [via EFA]
but the Australian PM can shut domains down without due process
a look at Hamas' cabinet - HH
"the cabinet as a whole is a technocratic one... a majority of ministers from outside parliament, several of whom are also from outside Hamas"
Australian opposition back on the "net porn" wagon - ABC
Kim Beazley won't be outdone on "law and order"
a Sydney school goes with Linux - Cworld [via Link]
firsthand reporting of sectarian violence in Iraq - Boston [via Informed]
reducing standby power consumption - Economist [via RW]
as much as 10% of household electricity use may now be by devices on standby
dehydrated dinners for gourmet hiking - MarcCam
a revenge massacre by US troops in Iraq? - Time [via RW]
a cut-price Chinese laptop with Chinese CPU, running Linux - IHT [via OSWALD]
Linux ported to Microsoft's Ultra Mobile PC - PBPC [via OSWALD]
"Samsung’s engineers, awaiting the 'official' operating system from Microsoft, took matters into their own hands and installed Linux in Windows’ place"
a history and future of the human Y chromosome - UBC [via EvolGen]
A Student's Introduction to English Grammar [review]
the most up to date intro to the complexities of English
French student protests look like forcing government backdown - Guardian
new site feature - random travelogue page
Forgotten Armies: The Fall of British Asia 1941-1945 - Far [excerpt] - AROB [review] - Amazon
books are not so popular in Brazil - Economist
and termites have eaten much of the national library's collection
violent protests in Spain over comic show "insult to the church" - Guardian
a sophisticated phishing attack by phone - AntiPope
Smurf or Snork? new sectarian division in Iraq - Riverbend [via RW]
seed dispersal by weta (giant NZ grasshoppers) - SciMag [via Loom]
filling the niche occupied by small mammals elsewhere
Jimmy Carter attacks "colonisation of Palestine" - Guardian
how the Israel lobby drives US foreign policy - LRB
"Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing that given to any other state."
cyberinsects are not yet feasible - Pharyngula [via Majik]
"someone in the Pentagon has clearly abandoned the reality-based community to come up with this one"
ordinary Iraqis prepare for war - SFgate [via AntiWar]
John Howard spoof site shut down by Australian government - SMH [via Link]
it sounds like the (Australian) domain registrar shut down the domain
an Argentina-Uruguay spat over industrial developments - Guardian
the Chinese in Africa - Granta
poor people should get a real computer or not bother - Register
Bill Gates makes fun of cut-down wind-up $100 computer
Implication realized he was an outcast now - LA [via Kit]
"he saw a listing of the '10 Most Wanted.' Subtlety was on it, and Ambiguity, Diplomacy and Mischief. His own picture was next to the sentence that read, 'These are the ones we need to lock up forever.'"
How to Write About Africa - Granta [via Kit]
"Always use the word 'Africa' or 'Darkness' or 'Safari' in your title... Also useful are words such as 'Guerrillas', 'Timeless', 'Primordial' and 'Tribal'."
a history of American attitudes to soccer - sover [via Accra]
John le Carré appeals for aid for Kenyan drought - Independent
"Up to 95 per cent of cattle in some areas have died because of the drought and local economies are crumbling"
demographic decline in Germany - Guardian
West Germany has Western European birth rates, East Germany Eastern European ones
people power in Bangkok - Guardian
with the monarchy as an arbitrator?
"Jesus the Strategic Leader" author promoted to Brigadier General - ProRev
Jesus "took time daily to plug back into his eternal power source"
in Australia, the super-rich are getting richer - Age
we're almost back to the inequality levels at Federation
Arab stock markets falter after 5 year rise - AlJaz [via RW]
a Chinese menu with amusing English translations - Rahoi [via Lang]
new evidence suggests Rapa Nui (Easter Island) was settled later - UH [via Far]
which implies that deforestation was faster than previously thought
Mongolia: Museum Highlights [review]
Important Works of Art from the Collections of the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts, Bogd Khan Palace Museum, and Choijin-Lama Temple Museum
war crimes prosecutions - Economist
logistics for the British in Afghanistan will operate through Karachi - Guardian
a history of Unix standards - IBM [via /.]
more on Firefox vs Internet Explorer security - Yahoo [via /.]
"Windows XP Professional stays safe just one hour and 12 seconds... unpatched installations of both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and SuSE Linux 9 Desktop were never compromised during their month-and-a-half exposure"
Muslim charities in the US are being shut down without justification - WP [via ProRev]
SAS soldier refuses to fight in Iraq alongside US troops - Telegraph [via RW]
discharged with a testimonial as a "balanced, honest, loyal and determined individual who possesses the strength of character to have the courage of his convictions"!
The Puzzle of a Colonial Labourer's Diary - Nearly Out of Heart and Hope [review]
Chris Albritton disses an embedded journalist who's talking crap - B2I
meteorological computing helps Kenyan farmers - Register
you might want to rethink that Casio watch - Seattle [via AntiWar]
"The U.S. military cites the digital watches worn by prisoners when captured as possible evidence of terrorist ties. Casios have been used repeatedly in bombs"
virus naming is still a mess - Register
the Common Malware Enumeration Project is still in its early days
a civil war in Chad will bring an immense humanitarian disaster - HH
Krugman on the US health system - NYROB
"it would be politically smarter as well as economically superior to go for broke: to propose a straightforward single-payer system, and try to sell voters on the huge advantages such a system would bring"
China's future: revolution? - Asia
an interesting overview of gut bacteria - Cell [via Aetiology]
"Ecological and Evolutionary Forces Shaping Microbial Diversity in the Human Intestine"
(the full-text appears to be available without a subscription)
a BBC drama about the Rite of Spring premiere! - Independent [via RW] - NPR [background]
an outbreak of ATM theft may be due to retailers keeping PINs - MSNBC [via RW]
"consumers concerned about the scam should avoid PIN-based retail transactions at stores, and chose instead to make signature-based, credit-card-style transactions when making purchases"
fighting altitude sickness on Kilimanjaro - Kallayil
one out of a dozen in his group makes it to the top
19th century prisons in Japan's northern territories - IIAS [via Far]
France may adopt a download license covering music and movies - Register
the background to US immigration policy - ProRev
"The story of immigration in the U.S. is a mishmash of hospitality and hatred, encouragement and restriction."
avoiding bad economic news by reducing surveying - MSpeak
"More than 400 researchers, including 2 Nobel Laureates signed a letter opposing the elimination of the SIPP... the only major longitudinal survey that tracks the same families over time."
a review of Marshall Browne's Rendezvous at Kamakura Inn - SMH [via RW]
I'd like to read this, as I enjoyed his two Inspector Anders novels
what is "hard sf"? - SFF
Riverbend's "Iraqi Oscars" - Baghdad Burning [via Loewen]
does including intangible investment change the US deficit? - Economist
photos illustrate retreat of Kilimanjaro snow - Sprol [via RW]
if I go to East Africa, I'll probably climb Mt Kenya
Q&A with the Chicago Manual of Style - CMS
the letters of Lytton Strachey - NYROB - Amazon
a virtual world billboard controversy - NewWorld [via RW]
the attack on Jaafari is all about Kirkuk - Informed
state/consumer activism forces Wal-Mart to sell morning-after pills - Guardian
Dan Brown and literary (?) plagiarism - Guardian [via CR]
"any writer who strikes lucky with a distinctive formula is punished by being forced to plagiarise himself in every subsequent book"
China creates two new top-level domains - LBT [via Accra]
but it seems individual Chinese ISPs have added modified their name servers, rather than "splitting the root"
all H51N sequence data should be made public immediately - Effect
"Scientists, agencies and governments who sit on the their flu sequences should be pilloried, reputations impugned and careers should suffer."
free fertility treatment for single women in the UK - Independent
"Men are great, but they do not always fit into your timescale. This is the modern way. We can all suit ourselves."
the oceans are a disaster zone - MJones [via RW]
Western tourists kept away from the starving in Kenya - Guardian - Oxfam
I was thinking about an East African trip later this year, but I may reconsider
the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui - WP [via Kos]
should Ghanaians overseas have voting rights? - HH
they may be 12% of the electorate - and their remittances may be 14% of GDP
guidebook founders now discourage excessive flying - Guardian
"the founders of Rough Guides and Lonely Planet are troubled that they have helped spread a casual attitude towards air travel that could trigger devastating climate change"
why "chickenpox parties" are not a good idea - Aetiology
setback for South African "vitamins cure AIDS" charlatan - BBC
unfortunately the Health Minister is one of those pushing pseudoscience
things are changing in Kerala - IHT [via RW]
I'd really like to read a history of Kerala, but haven't found anything
an interview with Brazilian president Lula - Economist [PDF]
The Company of Ghosts [review]
a madwoman remembers Vichy while her teenage daughter negotiates with a process-server
the economics of print-on-demand in the UK - Guardian [via RW]
the US, Kurds and Sunnis are trying to stop Jaafari being Iraq's PM - Informed
as well as having ties to Iran, he's apparently a fan of Noam Chomsky!
will upgrading to MS Office 2007 be harder than switching to OpenOffice? - OOblogs
the history of ninja - H-NET [via Barista]
"much of the lore underlying both modern ninja movies and modern ninja schools has both a long history AND little basis in reality outside the theatre"
female squids photographed caring for young, carrying huge egg sac - BBC [via Majik]
did blond hair evolve under sexual selection? - Times
According to a WHO study, the last natural blond is likely to be born in Finland during 2202 - Note: that last bit is a hoax
a conservative critique of Libertarianism (as "the Marxism of the right") - AmCon [via MHuben]
a Chinese perspective on Google and Yahoo in China - Far
Xinjiang and the seeds of Uighur unrest - Japan - 2 [via Far]
"Whether it is at the oil complexes or in the shopping malls, locals remain on the outside looking in."
the Complete Review's "State of the Site" report for 2005 - CR
the world's biggest known virus - Discover [via /.]
half a micron across, with a 1.2 million base pair genome!
a stupid woman gets two bears killed by endangering her infant - TimesDispatch [via Barista]
over 1300 Iraqis killed in one week - WP [via AW]
on a per capita basis, that's nearly a September 11 disaster every day
a Shanghai man sues over errors in China's most popular dictionary - Xinhua [via CR]
Malay popular fiction is flourishing - Star [via CR]
"In 1997, we decided to use bahasa suratkhabar (casual newspaper language) rather than bahasa sastera (the more formal language of literature), which had, until then, been the standard in novels"

<< February 2006 | April 2006 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee