Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

September 2015

<< August 2015 | October 2015 >>

edit distance and the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis - Quanta
Chechen leader and Instagrammer Kadyrov is "vulgar, vicious and very rich" - Guardian
the outstanding novel of Stalin's purges - The Case of Comrade Tulayev [my review]
meet PASD1, one of the proteins behind circadian rhythms - Quanta
male carer "tend-and-befriend"? - OxfordBlog
who wants vehicular cycling and could it every work? - StreetsMN
the Earths's visible financial liabilities exceed assets by $7.6 trillion... - Week [via Cosma]
feminism and romance fiction - Aeon
the grammar of Doge explained - Toast
the New Zealand Flag Referendum Act defines a pseudo-random number generator - BiasedInefficient
philosophy after piggate - InfinitelyFullOfHope
a tale of two schools: comparing state and private primaries - Oxford Blog
120-year flowering bamboo has 5x3x2x2x2 in its evolutionary history - Loom
Lidl becomes first UK supermarket to pay workers a living wage - Guardian
on translations of Perec's La disparition - Attempts
nuclear power supporters who oppose the Hinkley C plant - Monbiot
"all the distinguishing features of a white elephant: overpriced, overcomplicated and overdue"
"shared child care may be the secret of human evolutionary success" - NatHistMag
was Hume influenced by Buddhism? one academic's personal story - Atlantic [via Yasmin]
how beavers fell trees in the right direction - NWF [via @phaseit]
What the Past Reveals About Today's Language - A History of German [my review]
Daniel Dennett's Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking [my review]
nice graphic illustrating cognitive biases - BusinessInsider
William Golding's daughter on his novel The Inheritors - Guardian
four different size rankings of Britain's cities - CityMetric
London Gateway: a six-berth container dockyard on the Thames estuary - Guardian
a family holiday in the Netherlands: cycling observations - Girodilento
ongoing improvement of Dutch cycling infrastructure - Twitter [via @AsEasyAsRiding]
an arXiv overlay journal - refereed but consisting of a list of links to arXiv preprints - Gowers
having fewer toys can benefit children - Guardian
one lawyer's crusade against UK obscenity laws - Guardian
fantastic creativity in Soviet era bus stops - Guardian
the plight of refugees, the shame of the world - NYT
dealing with children's gender bias - EverydayFeminism
doing attachment parenting tests on cats and dogs - Lincoln [via Murray]
how literary fame happens - Chronicle [via Cosma]
how the navy's cure for scurvy was forgotten by polar explorers - IdleWords
how Thor Heyerdahl's Kon Tiki expedition misled the world - Smithsonian
subsistence, settlement, and social organisation - An Unnatural History of Emerging Infections [my review]
first map of global anti-neutrino activity shows reactors - CityLab
"antineutrinos from these human-made sources accounted for less than 1 percent of the total detected"
some straightforward advice on baby sleep - ScienceOfMom
six varieties of love - Sojo [via Mertz]
dysfunctional coordination of UK social and medical care for the aged - Guardian
charged with exploiting themselves: the insanity of child pornography laws - ArsTechnica
ridiculously sexist bike helmet advertising - Pool
what happened in the last science fiction Hugo Awards - Wired
(I really only lurk on the edges of the genre now.)
"What do I do when they simply refuse to do what I am asking them to do?" - VisibleChild
a political critique of Effective Altruism - Jacobin [via Cosma]
"Rather than asking how individual consumers can guarantee the basic sustenance of millions of people, we should be questioning an economic system that only halts misery and starvation if it is profitable."
Mx as an alternative to Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms - Guardian

<< August 2015 | October 2015 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee