Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

October 2016

<< September 2016 | November 2016 >>

Brexit may mean Brexit, but in Germany no means no: - BBC
for May, getting and keeping power overrides principles, economics, and evidence - Guardian
inside the sacrifice zone: the deep story of the Tea Party - NYROB
a writeup of our August trip to the Lake District - OxfordBlog
road safety in London: no investigation until three people die within 50 metres of the same junction - EveningStandard
four years of non-stop torture for a Canadian awaiting trial - Macleans
"solitary confinement, in a Plexiglas box, in an empty cellblock with no windows, and with the lights kept on for 24 hours"
no Brexit plan, just promise everything to everybody - NIESR
vegetarians don't live any longer than non-vegetarians - AJCN
Research in Recreational Math - The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects [my review]
"Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing" - arxiv [via Cosma]
Australia should have an inheritance tax - MacroBusiness
Australian animals are no more dangerous than British cows - OxfordBlog
a nice overview of Dutch cycling for outsiders - ModaCityLife [via @harryrutter]
May's stated immigration targets would require blocking all EU migration and halving non-EU migration - TruePublica
Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber - Rereading the Stone [my review]
Russia's Arctic obsession: Tiksi and the Northern Sea Route - FT
moving people around central Oxford - an electric mini-bus shuttle? - OxfordBlog
steppe bison and cows hybridised to create a "Higgs bison" ancestral to modern European bison - NPR [via @divbyzero]
Brexit is a disaster for British business - NYROB
any airport expansion is completely inconsistent with the UK's carbon emissions targets - Guardian
bicycle loophole gets asylum seekers from Russia into Norway - BBC
Brexit could kill the NHS - Guardian
"40% of new consultant posts are already not being filled"
The Ocean's Intelligent Invertebrate - Octopus [my review]
the highest resolution models now capture subpolar Atlantic cooling and extreme Northwest shelf warming - RealClimate
the politics of NHS funding: "you also get a nice, warm feeling if you shit in your nappy" - HPI
losing the European Medicines Agency will hurt the UK - Guardian
it's not just finance, higher education, and car manufacturing Brexit hammers
a socio-political analysis of the UK's EU Referendum vote - Warwick
age, education, manufacturing, poor public services, Eastern European migration, fiscal cuts
the intensity of China's final high school exams - Guardian
"the most important number of any Chinese child's life, the culmination of years of schooling, memorisation and constant stress"
Studio Ghibli animator Michiyo Yasuda dies - BBC
"The brutal truth is that Brexit will be a loss for all of us. There will be no cakes on the table. For anyone." - EuropeanCouncil
is Trump's success fundamentally a rural backlash? - Cracked
how long can May's snob-mob alliance hold? - Spectator
the UK is spending £100 billion on three white elephants - Guardian
the trade-weighted pound is at its lowest ever - Independent
"Of all the fantasies human beings entertain, the idea that we can go it alone is the most absurd" - Monbiot
flushable wipes are not actually flushable - Guardian
envy-free cake-cutting for any number of people - Quanta
The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science [my review]
passive driving is a worse health problem than passive smoking - WarOnMotorist
some better reporting on May: "Disgusting. Xenophobic. Repellent." - Canary
Common Core and changes in maths teaching in the United States - Quanta
the UK government continues its march towards ignorance - Guardian
lessons for parenting from behavioural economics - WP
how education drives political and social divides - Guardian
a setback for Australia's attempts to bully East Timor over oil - Monthly

<< September 2016 | November 2016 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee