Danny Yee >> Anthropology >> anthro-l >> Biographies

Kelley Hays-Gilpin

I was born in 1960 in a Detroit suburb, daughter of a research chemist
and a teacher.  Dad was an avocational archaeologist who collected
historic pueblo pottery (purchased from the potters, didn't dig 'em
up).  I grew up as one of those obnoxious children that volunteers
bring with them to archaeological projects--I got the opportunity to
learn field methods quite young, but also burned out on digging quite
young and perhaps that's why I do ceramic analysis and method and
theory stuff now.  I moved to Arizona in 1983, finally finished my PhD
in 1992, married an Oklahoman, also an archaeologist, no offspring or
pets.  I drive a red Chevy 4x4 pickup truck with dents in it from
running into tree stumps and parking lot guardrails.  I enjoy gardening
and reading fiction of the sort by mostly English women writers,
especially Jane Austen, Barbara Pym, and Angela  Thirkell--the sorts of
novels in which nothing much happens but there are a lot of

Biographies << anthro-l << Anthropology << Danny Yee