Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

April 2004

<< March 2004 | May 2004 >>

Muslim comedienne humbles Ansar al-Islam leader - Guardian
an alternative approach to fighting fundamentalism...
the mobile phone is the new car - Economist
grad school is an exciting road to poverty - VV [via Far]
embargoing Cuba five times as important as finding bin Laden's money - Guardian
that's how the US Treasury department allocates staff, anyway
the Google S-1 filing - SEC [via /.]
57% of Iraqis say foreign troops should leave - USA Today [via Informed]
"If the Kurds are taken out of the equation, more than half of Iraqis say killing U.S. troops can be justified in at least some cases."
Australian Aboriginal meteorology - Indigenous Weather Knowledge [via ASAONET]
Exquisite Parts - Sex and the Umma [via Kit]
a column on Sex and Islam at Muslim Wakeup
an interview with snake expert Harry Greene - NewSci
my review of his book Snakes: The Evolution of Mystery in Nature
WTO rules for Brazil, against US cotton subsidies - Economist
and the Europeans may be the next target
The Art of the Chinese Storyteller - Stories from a Ming Collection [review]
an entertaining stats exam! - Cosma [link fixed]
thousands of Russian warheads are still targeted on the US - LATimes/CD
coauthored by Robert McNamara and Helen Caldicott?!
Manchukuo and the new Middle Eastern Coprosperity Sphere - Billmon
imperial puppet states then and now
you can subscribe to receive my book reviews by email - list options
(there's a monthly newsletter if you prefer that)
why Mossad would be operating in New Zealand - NZherald [via AntiWar]
"September 11 had made NZ passports more valuable. NZ was a small, neutral country seen by the Arab world as sympathetic."
in France, a trademark lawsuit against Google - Age [via /.]
for having ads that match a trademarked name
a nice quote collection - ProRev
my own is tiny - I've never been a quote collector
fifty retired diplomats criticise UK Middle East policy - Guardian
free trade: subsidised US corn swamps Mexican farmers - CD [via Atrios]
a real-world comparison between Microsoft and Open Office - Eweek [via /.]
new book on Napoleon's invasion of Russia - Economist - Amazon
should do well: strategic military blunders are topical...
Hungary is about to join the EU - Guardian
but they've only just stripped Joseph Stalin of his honorary citizenship
Principles of Health Economics for Developing Countries [review]
useful for understanding developed world debates over health insurance and medical services
extremophile bacteria as astronauts - APOD
I recommend Postgate's The Outer Reaches of Life [review]
reading and speaking single words of Finnish is an achievement - Lang
can British anti-war saboteurs use "stopping war crimes" defence? - Guardian
China almost abandoned characters for an alphabet in the 1950s - Far
another review of Richard Clarke's book - NYROB
a trial in Afghanistan - LJ [via TalkLeft]
New York lawyer Bob Fogelnest is in Kabul for two months
massacres in Western Sudan - Guardian
Windows XP uptake slow in large companies - ZDnet [via WMW]
an excessively verbose reference - Core CSS [review]
geopolitics increasingly driving aid - Economist
terrorism in Western China? - Asia - my Kashgar photos [1999]
"the Chinese do have reason to fear terrorism, but they have exaggerated the problem for political reasons"
East Timor, Australia and the Timor gap oilfields - Asia
"Canberra announced in 2002 that it would no longer submit to rulings by the International Court of Justice on maritime boundaries."
a Mills & Boon romance-writing course - Guardian [via Kit]
"No inter-racial relationships, no adultery, no one-night stands, no politics, religion or other gritty social issues, no subplots, no same-sex couplings. The hero must be an 'Alpha Male'. He cannot be German."
graphical/animated presentations of world economic stats - gapminder.org
US soldiers meet resistance removing "illegal" photos of Sadr - AntiWar
I think it's important to remove the posters of Kerry because he currently stands for all things that are anti-Bush (and cf Brandenburg v Ohio)
US would give Iraqi government limited sovereignty - IHT
including "no authority to enact new laws"!
it's safer to write prose than poetry - Guardian
according to Journal of Death Studies article...
Europe to stop subsidising tobacco - Guardian
now they just need to tackle sugar... (why is sugar the biggest recipient of subsidies in both Europe and the US?)
the island nation of Nauru is broke - NZHerald [via Far]
Australia has declined to bail them out, even though they're hosting one of our refugee detention camps
North Korean train disaster kills thousands - Guardian
sounds like a massive, accidentally created fuel-air bomb
talking to members of the Mahdi army - CD [via Informed]
KBR workers in Iraq live in luxury, scorning the troops - ginmar [now passworded]
"to KBR people, they're not soldiers, they're just some of those disgusting things that cut into their free time"
John Maynard Smith has died - Guardian - Telegraph [via CR] - my reviews
best known for the application of game theory to ethology and evolutionary biology
Australian academic visits every beach in the country - Guardian
establishing hazard ratings for them, but still, what a job!
the looming joys of "Iraqization" - IndepInst
"The US can cut its losses now or maintain a war with no clear and just purpose, no victory in sight, and no realistic chance of reducing terrorism"
distributed computing: Google and Akamai - TechRev [via /.]
Salam Pax on the rules for driving to Baghdad airport - Guardian
Bill Tozier is selling collaboration on a scientific paper - Ebay [via CT]
comes with an Erdös number of 5! and up to 40 hours labour
the Pentagon's war on Al-Jazeera - Guardian
"Al-Jazeera has a track record of accurate reporting - which is why its journalists have been criminalised and its offices bombed"
pessmistic about the chances of a sane US foreign policy - Billmon
Juan Cole's senate testimony on Iraq - senate.gov [PDF]
Google adds explanation to search results - "jew" - explanation [via WMW]
but it looks like the Googlebomb is working, with Wikipedia now at #1
fake milk formula blamed for 50 infant deaths in China - Guardian
debunking of the "Europe is being Islamicised" myth - LJ [via Stross]
Californians are moving to New Zealand - SFGate
during the 1860s gold-rush, many prospectors moved from the US West first to Australia and then NZ
Seymour Hersh on the war in Afghanistan - New Yorker [via AntiWar]
Iraqis increasingly loathe foreigners - Baltimore [via AntiWar]
the Rapture Index is at 143... - RaptureReady
Israel, Beast Government, and Oil are pulling their weight, but we're being held back by slack Satanists and a lack of Volcanoes
Sadr versus the Ayatollahs - IHT
if the US just waits, he may wear out his welcome - and the initial enthusiasm of his supporters
post-Saddam life worse for the poorest Iraqis? - Christian Aid [via Agonist]
British support for the Iraq war is falling - Guardian
"support for the war has slumped from 53% in January to 41%"
a heavy metal band promoting literacy - Guardian [via BookSlut]
"Several lady librarians have kept company with us. BlöödHag don't make passes at girls who don't wear glasses. No specs, no sex."
coincidentally: Wole Soyinka's Reith lectures - BBC [via CR]
two of five so far - on fear and on power and freedom
Wole Soyinka's enchanting account of his childhood - Aké [review]
a controversial visit to Spratly islands by Vietnamese tourists - Guardian
"Vietnam, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei each claim all or part of the tiny low-lying islands"
intellectual property and the Aus-US trade agreement - EFA
would a new flag distinguish Slovenia from Slovakia? - IHT
and I thought Austria and Australia had problems!
Indian Mynas are overrunning Australia - ABC
freakish Piebald Ball Pythons - JaguarPython
India's election: less about policies than alliances - Economist
US and Jordanian police in Kosovo start killing each other - Reuters [via AntiWar]
developmental flexibility in stickleback fish - Pharyngula [via Panda]
ties between East Timor and Mozambique - HeadHeeb [via Far]
US troops beat Iraqi motorist to death over Sadr photo - news.com.au [via ProRev]
preparing for a job with the Los Angeles or New York police?
lying WMD defector Khidir Hamza is out of a job - Independent
small steps to political liberalisation in Singapore - Guardian
"Buskers will no longer have to give their proceeds to charity, although they will still have to audition"
another Jo Wilding report from Falluja - Guardian
"people fear that once a large proportion of women and children leave, the Americans will destroy the city"
controlling disease and improving basic health services - Economist
huge potential gains for the developing world
foreign poetry on the walls of UK waiting rooms - Guardian
parallels between Najaf and Waco - Orcinus
land reform protests in Brazil - CNN
"their recent escalation of land seizures could intensify if their demands are not met"
a report on the cyclone devastation in Yap - Far
"Nobody ever expected the eye of a super typhoon to hit Yap head on. ... traditionally, the Yap sorcerers and magicians have had the powers to divert typhoons. ... Maybe as many as 5,000 Yapese have lost their homes."
European anti-Semitism not due to Arabs or Muslims - EI
mostly the work of "young, white Europeans incited by traditional right-wing extremist groups"
only limited support for Sadr in Najaf - Guardian
"shopkeepers who rely on the passing custom of the crowds of pilgrims are now closing up early in despair"
In Search of Hezbollah - NYROB
"by emphasizing public works over piety, Hezbollah has succeeded in embedding itself deeply into Lebanese society"
meanwhile, in South American neo-colony Colombia - Guardian
a general threatens to reveal "a policy of official military collusion with paramilitary terror"
Blumenthal on Bush's press conference - Guardian
"religious war is not part of official US military doctrine"
why a national ID card would make the US less safe - Schneier
experiments in baboon culture - PLoS Biology - NYT [via ProRev]
"a terrible outbreak of tuberculosis 20 years ago selectively killed off the biggest, nastiest and most despotic males, setting the stage for a social and behavioral transformation"
an Icelander visits Mozambique - Sveinbjorn Thordarson
Sharon shock-and-awes Bush into abandoning road map - Billmon
"the United States [is now locked] into permanent, full-fledged support for the creation of an apartheid Israel -- complete with bantustans"
good news on US jobs may hurt emerging markets - Economist
Riverbend on anti-Americanism - Baghdad Burning
"Are tanks, troops and violence the only face of America? If the Pentagon, Department of Defense and Condi are "America", then yes- I hate America."
Slovakia tries to turn itself into Detroit - IHT
the US now has "faith-based" prisons - Guardian
which is more biased: Al-Jazeera or the US military? - Guardian
from what I read, there's simply no competition here
a shocking report from inside Falluja - Jo Wilding [via Billmon]
and while there she helps rescue wounded while under fire
Baghdad is battening down - Independent [via AntiWar]
Aus copyright extensions would stifle creativity - SMH [via EFA]
the Biochemists' Songbook sounds like fun - excerpts - Amazon [used]
T.E. Lawrence attacks the British involvement in Iraq - AntiWar
poverty is making Americans shorter - Guardian [via ProRev]
while Europeans are getting taller
advertising over content: an egregious example - Veen [via JWalk]
are desalination plants California's future? - Guardian
the early taming of the cat - Amygdala [via Cosma]
two US soldiers have deserted, seeking asylum in Canada - Guardian
the presidential panel's report on cloning - CSM
US Marines can kill POWs without being charged - Guardian
Naomi Klein reports from Sadr city - Guardian
appalling reports from Falluja - EmpireNotes [via Billmon]
the US is forging an Iraqi identity based on nationalism - SMH
the Iraq Governing Council finds its voice - Guardian
you just can't find compliant puppet governments these days
British officers criticise US tactics in Iraq - Telegraph [via Kos]
"part of the problem is that American troops view Iraqis as untermenschen"
looks like Iraq has continued on downhill trajectory - Guardian
"a quarter of the new Iraqi security forces had 'quit, changed sides, or otherwise failed to perform their duties'"
I'm going bushwalking over Easter - Kosciuszko National Park [2002 walk]
so there will be no updates here until Monday
"The lessons of empire are having to be learned all over again" - Guardian
US senator Robert Byrd recites Tennyson - CP [via Billmon]
analysis of the US-Aus "free trade" agreement - LinuxAustralia [via LWN]
some help for a Googlebomb - Jew [Wikipedia entry]
and if you haven't checked it out recently, Wikipedia has been getting better and better
Juan Cole's round-up of events in Iraq - Informed
big picture comment on US problems in Iraq - BOP
the Ukrainians have evacuated Kut and the US has admitted it hasn't had a presence in many Iraqi cities for some time
Amelie Nothomb's tale of childhood love and war - Loving Sabotage [review]
krismon in the villages - Good Times and Bad Times in Rural Java [review]
Catholic complicity in genocide a boost for Islam in Rwanda - IHT
"During the mass killing, Hutu Muslims did not cooperate with the Hutu killers."
some fascinating posts on recent events in Iraq - RaedMiddle
Lynne Cheney, feminist intellectual - Chronicle [via CR]
a Linux virus in the wild?!
my colleagues in the medicine faculty seem to have had two servers infected by a virus
under Google's gmail, a single massive distributed computer - Topix [via /.]
"Rob Pike has gone to Google. ... OS, networking, and distributed systems. Compiler Optimization. Thread migration. Distributed shared memory."
the anniversary of Project Steve - Panda
finding 400+ scientists named Steve to support evolution
Kyoto has no hope in the US, even if Kerry wins - IHT
should the US support Middle Eastern communism? - Kos diary
it's a fantasy, of course, but socialism is one of the few alternatives to Islam or nationalism capable of gathering mass support
sago and sago grubs - Docent [via Far]
"Sago Palm is far more productive than rice, producing 100-200 kg per palm, enough to feed a family of 4-5 for a month"
life in globalized Iraq - CSM [via Informed]
"most Iraqis aren't even interested in high politics; they're worried about the same things as Americans - jobs, healthcare, and education."
Sadrist Shiites seize police stations in Najaf, Baghdad - Informed
"The Sadrist militia now controls Kufa and probably much of Sadr City as well"
SUVS are among the more dangerous vehicles to be driving - Guardian
especially in Iraq...
the implications of methane on Mars - MainlyMartian [via K5]
listen to Max on the Instahypocrite - MaxSpeak
some good comments, too
Republican environmental policy - Guardian
"deny, and deny aggressively"
the decline of Chinese literature - Xinhuanet [via CR]
"Accusing readers of poor taste does seem easy given what's popular these days"
sailing across the desert - SMH
a trip across Australia's rarely full Lake Eyre
Naomi Klein talks to Baghdadis - Guardian
even the pro-US businessman running the Pepsi plant is angry with the Americans
on Laqueur's cultural history of masturbation - NYROB
problems with management/business computing textbooks - winface [via /.]
awaiting the Indonesian elections - Age [via Far]
General Wiranto is a candidate for a Golkar president, even though the US has placed him on a watch list of war crimes suspects
the Taiwanese election and aftermath: a summary - romanization [via Far]
oil wealth is not conducive to stable democracy - geffen [via CT]
US University Presses face a bleak future - CSM [via CR]
I do my best to help sell obscure scholarly monographs
a smug take on the downturn in street activism - Economist
"Anarchists seem to be having trouble getting organised. Let's give them a hand"
the doublespeak of "sound science" - WP
a guide to Open Office styles - LinuxJournal [via LWN]
Israel complains about BBC bias again - Guardian
it should behave like CNN, where "Israeli officials boast that they have only to call a number at the network's headquarters in Atlanta to pull any story they do not like."
the limitations of spreadsheets - Yahoo [vi /.]
"The things we learned to do badly in 1979, upon the debut of VisiCalc, we mostly continue to do wrong today."

<< March 2004 | May 2004 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee