Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

November 2008

<< October 2008 | December 2008 >>

the world's coolest data center? - Pingdom [via Stross]
it only costs $100 to have a woman killed in Basra - Guardian
Outlaws of the Marsh [review]
Krugman and Soros on "what needs to be done" - NYROB - NYROB
Apple's latest MacBooks are DRMed - Macworld
they won't play protected media to non-HDCP external displays
a Tolkienesque remapping of Australia - Strange
an analysis of the AFACT v iiNet copyright suit - NicSuzor
this case is going to be a very important test of the Australian Copyright Act
Soul of the Desert [review]
botanical and zoological paintings from the Australian deserts
IMF and other Nordic countries bail out Iceland - CNN
international expert attacks Australian Net censorship plan - ARNnet [via EFA]
pirates seize supertanker holding 2 million barrels of oil - Guardian
you can't hide something like this, but I guess no one is going to want to blow it up either...
the new Chinese practice of "human flesh search" - ChinaBeat [via referers]
TWiki is dead, long live NextWiki! - WikiRing [via LWN]
the subprime disaster is not the fault of the poor - Slate [via Laird]
the conservative attempts to blame lending to African Americans and minorities for a multi-trillion dollar disaster are obviously wrong, but this is a particularly nice counter to them
carpooling is illegal in Ontario?! - PickupPal
Development Economics [review]
"A parallel would be an analysis of 'non-productive' church-going in the United States as a coordination failure in achieving atheism"
South Korea owns up to its brutal past - SMH
the author of Liar's Poker on the current crash - Portfolio
the Free Software Foundation helps Wikipedia change license - LWN
the cost of shipping bulk cargo has dropped over 90% in two months - Independent
"there are perfectly creditworthy shippers and receivers unable to open perfectly standard letters of credit"
from the issue of July 8th 1916 - Economist
the Open University has abandoned its founding principles - Inquirer
forget about open standards, just support the most common proprietary software
does Australia have the riskiest economy in the world? - SMH
and can Nigeria really have the lowest risk economy?
an airport in the Thames estuary to replace Heathrow? - Times
The Road to Surfdom has closed - RtoS
coincidentally, I've just started reading Hayek's The Road to Serfdom
Much Sounding of Bugles: The Siege of Chitral, 1895 [review]
debating the merits of election cartograms - Cartogrammar
Kipling Stories [review]
the US murders another Afghan wedding party - AJ
some great US political illustrations - Drawger [via Kos]
Hong Kong braces as property follows the stock market down - MW
essays by Eric Hobsbawm - Uncommon People: Resistance, Rebellion, and Jazz [review]
The Anatomy of Fascism [review]
Björk on Iceland's economy and alumnium smelters - Times [via RW]
the US kills thirty people in airstrikes on Pakistan - News
New Zealand the best model for legalising prostitution? - Economist

<< October 2008 | December 2008 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee