Danny Yee

Economics & Social Justice

Content I am hosting here includes:

The theoretical position I feel closest to is that of libertarian communism (classical anarchism); being pragmatic, I'm more of a market socialist in practice.

I have a page about money, ethical investment and sustainability. See also my free speech and free software and freedom of information pages. And the politics, economics, and social justice sections of my book reviews may be of interest.

News and Links

the exchange of labour in the world economy is grossly unequal Nature
"Southern wages are 87–95% lower than Northern wages for work of equal skill. While Southern workers contribute 90% of [world] labour, they receive only 21% of global income."
how Brexit wrecked the British stock market Wealth of Nations
reforming the UK VAT British Tax Review
UK to EU investment up 17%, EU to UK investment down 9% European Economic Review
"eing a smaller economy than the EU leaves the UK more exposed to the costs of economic disintegration"
positive results from a Californian universal basic income trial Atlantic
How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of Our World Lying for Money [my review]

(For more links, see my blog Pathologically Polymathic.)

Danny Yee