Danny Yee


Collected Funny Stuff

I didn't write any of this, these are just items that have come my way over the years which I thought worth keeping. See also my crazy ideas collection.

Students and Teachers

Lord of the Rings: an Allegory of the Phd
Picking the Right Supervisor (a fable)
The Joys of Teaching
Why God Never Received Tenure
History in Student Bloopers

Literature and Politics

L'Isle de Gilligan
a parody of postmodernism
Little Red Riding Hood ("PC" version)
Fox in Socks Comes Back (external)


See my anti-censorship humour page.


The Theology of STOP Signs
The Existence of System Administrators (external)
Theological Engineering Exam


I would like to be present everywhere
I have eaten all I have
Shaney meets Serdar Argic
Is Windows a Virus?
One OS to Rule them All


"On the Tendencies of Motion"
Fermat's Last Theorem Proven
The Psychiatric Hotline


angry drivers run Britain Daily Mash
"Labour is passionately committed to a cleaner, greener world. It's a controversial view, but we believe children shouldn't get crippling respiratory diseases, unless reducing traffic mildly inconveniences drivers doing their shopping."
man announce he will quit drinking by 2050 Shovel
"Our Faculty Success Initiative Redefines Everything You Thought You Knew About 'Faculty' and 'Success'" McSweeneys
in 2019, the US birth rate was over 0.55 Miles per hour @lunasorcery
GOTO implemented in python! GitHub
"'All right,' said the Gruffalo, bursting with laughter. 'You go ahead and I'll follow two metres after.'" Guardian

(For more links, see my blog Pathologically Polymathic.)


See the humour section of my book reviews.

Danny Yee